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Overseas media exhibition of Chinese artists - Huang Xianghua

2024-09-09 14:28:02


摘要:文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。没有高度的文化自信,没有文化的 繁荣兴盛,就没有中华民族的伟大复兴。文化更是一个民族的脊梁和灵魂,它铸造着 国家和民族的心灵和品格,一个民族有了文化自信,才能立于世界民族之林;人民有了信仰,国家才有力量,民族才有希望。而文化自信是促成这些目标的至关重要的因素。

Abstract: Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. Culture invigorates the country, and culture strengthens the nation. Without a high degree of cultural confidence, without the prosperity of culture, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Culture is the backbone and soul of a nation. It casts the heart and character of a nation and a nation. Only with cultural confidence can a nation stand in the forest of nations in the world. Only when the people has faith can a country have strength and a nation have


黄向华,男,江西省高安市人,1956 2 月生,大学文化,中共党员,高级政工师。曾供



务理事。2023 7 月被聘为“中央新影中学生频道文创时代栏目组”理事。2023 7 月被

授予“非物质文化遗产高层次艺术人才”。2024 5 月被授予“国际非遗领军人物”称号。

2024 7 月被授予“全国首批非遗大国工匠”称号。曾获全国中华诗词大赛与征文竞赛“特


120 余册,350 个版面;1500 余首。有个人专集 2 册,与全国著名艺术家有(诗文或诗

书画)合集 8 册。2020 年获第十七届“天籁杯”诗词大赛一等奖。2021 年获第十八届“天

籁杯”诗词大赛金奖。2022 年获“郭沫若文学艺术奖”金奖。2023 年 10 月在第二届“我

为家乡写首诗”全国诗词大赛中获一等奖。2023 10 月在纪念“诗圣”杜甫诞辰 1310

年“诗圣奖”全国诗词创作大赛中获一等奖。2023 年 12 月诗词入编《中华诗词精华鉴赏》

(专家点评版),并被评为金奖。2024 年 5 月获第九届“诗词世界杯”中华诗词大赛一等

奖。2024 年 5 月获第十届“中华诗人踏春行”参评诗词作品一等奖。

Huang Xianghua, male, born in February 1956 in Gao'an Province, university culture, CPC member, senior political engineer. He worked for Yong'an locomotive depot of Fuzhou branch of Shanghai Railway Administration and Yichun Automobile Transportation Co. , Ltd. . Gao'an branch. He is the honorary president of the Poetry Society of Gao'an, and the executive director of the senior poetry, calligraphy and Painting Association of Gao'an. In July, the 2023 was hired as a director of the creative times program of the central new film middle school student channel. The 2023 was awarded “Intangible Cultural Heritage high-level artistic talent” in July. The 2024 was awarded the title of “International leader of the undead” in May. In July, the 2024 was awarded the title of “The first batch of craftsmen of the great nation without legacy”. Has won the National Chinese poetry competition and essay competition“Grand Prize, First Prize and Gold Award,” and so on dozens of times. The poems have been included in more than 120 volumes, 350 pages and more than 1500 poems in the National Poetry Competition and essay competition. Have a personal album 2 volumes, with the country's famous artists have (poetry or poetry, calligraphy and painting) collection 8 volumes. In 2020, she won the first prize in the zero “Music Cup” poetry competition. In 2021, she won the gold medal in the zero “Music Cup” poetry competition. In 2022, he won the Guo Moruo Prize for Literature and art. The 2023 won first prize in the 2nd “I write a poem for My Hometown” National Poetry Competition in October. The 2023 won first prize in the National Poetry Competition in October to mark the 1310th anniversary of the birth of Du Fu. In December, the 2023 was included in the book “Appreciation of the essence of Chinese poetry”(expert review edition) and was awarded the Gold Award. The 2024 won the first prize in the ninth “Poetry World Cup” Chinese poetry competition in May. The 2024 won the first prize of the 10th “Chinese poets walking in spring” in May.



































































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